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Esther Guzha

Esther Guzha

System/Service Navigator

Esther is an accomplished Case Worker with over 10 years of experience delivering counseling, support, and linkage to services to individuals and families with special needs, mostly those affected by HIV. She has proven success in developing relationships with community organizations that provide free and low-cost resources for clients. Esther has worked in and with multidisciplinary and multisectoral communities, professionally practicing non-judgmental, harm reduction, anti-oppression framework, with trauma-informed awareness.

Originally from Zimbabwe where she started her profession, Esther is passionate about working with Black communities to enhance their visibility and service access in Canada.

Sobre nosotros

Sawubona Africentric Circle of Support es una organización incorporada sin fines de lucro que tiene como objetivo EMPODERAR a los cuidadores negros de personas con discapacidades y sus familias para que usen su voz y generen cambios.

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