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Sawubona Africentric Circle of Support was created to address the unique journey of Black parents and caregivers caring for a loved one with a disability.

Many of the families we support have expressed difficulty in accessing qualified Black professionals who also have experience or expertise in handling disability-related issues. This national directory was created in response to caregiver requests and inquiries. While created primarily for Black caregivers of a loved one with a disability, access to these resources may also benefit extended family members, and support networks. Services delivered by us and for us are necessary in completing the “wrap around supports” that the Black community needs to not merely survive but to thrive.


In this directory, you will find resources that address various areas of need in respective communities across Canada including respite, funding, legal resources, disability specific organizations and practitioners, education and more.


If you are an organization that serves the Black and disabled community, we are interested in hearing from you! Please complete this survey and someone will be in touch with you. We encourage B3 (Black led; Black serving; Black-focused) organizations and professionals that have a particular focus,experience or expertise supporting the Black and disabled community to apply for inclusion in the directory.

For inquiries or to learn more about Sawubona, please connect with us at

Thank you for visiting our site!


While we make every attempt to maintain the integrity of the information provided, this Directory is for informational purposes only and does not serve as an endorsement or recommendation. If you have any concerns or suggestions about any listing, please reach out to us. Also be reminded that by accessing this Directory you accept, acknowledge and agree that you do so at your own risk and that Sawubona Africentric Circle of Support shall not be held liable for any loss or damages that may result from your use of any of the services listed herein or any dealings with the service providers listed herein.


“If people come together, they can even mend a crack in the sky." African Proverb

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About Us

Sawubona Africentric Circle of Support is an incorporated non-profit organization that aims to EMPOWER Black caregivers of individuals with disabilities and their families to use their voice and create change. 

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