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Renz Evangelista

Renz Evangelista

IT Specialist

Renz has worked with non-profit organizations to manage and improve the organization's internet presence, as well as provide advice on how to improve a user's experience through technology.


ሳውቦና ኣፍሪሰንትሪክ ሰርክል ኦፍ ሳፖርት ንጸለምቲ ኣለይቲ ስንኩላን ውልቀሰባትን ስድራቤቶምን ድምጾም ክጥቀሙን ለውጢ ክፈጥሩን ንምሕያል ዝዓለመ ንመኽሰብ ዘይሰርሕ ትካል እዩ።

ገለ ድለዩ።

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